Monday, May 9, 2011

Mixed Emotions :)! :(!

This has been such an amazing journey! Don't we all feel so good about the things that we have learned and the progress that we are making?! Feeling healthy feels SO GOOD! I remember the teacher at Weight Watchers telling me years ago that "nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels!" And today I feel it!

On the other hand, I feel so sad to think that I am going to lose that weekly contact with each of my heart challenge friends! I've just finished reading all of your blogs and it was so inspiring to read each of your insights. Ann and I have already planned to continue training twice a week at our local gym where we both have memberships but I hope we can plan to continue getting together occasionally as a group. I have no doubt that each of us will continue to progress and I think it would be so great to celebrate by getting together!

How can I begin to quantify what I have learned physically, mentally or spiritually? The synergy of all of it working together brings exponential benefits! Is it the same for each of you? Not a day goes by that I don't think a thought that I learned from this 100 day heart challenge. From the lines of Intuitive Eating running through my head to things Traci has said to me to cooking/shopping/emotional eating tips from Mindy to conversations with Ann, my partner, to Mike the Chef's thoughts resonating with my experience to Chad's training tips and including conversations with each of you, it all blesses my life and motivates me!

The overarching feeling that I have been having lately is a huge OPTIMISM about my ability to continue with this healthy way of life. I've never felt this way before. I've always started a program to lose weight and stopped everything when I had lost the weight that I intended (although before this challenge it was getting so much harder for me to even want to start a program and I can honestly say I had lost all hope of ever being healthy again!). It sounds so crazy to say that now because I truly feel so positive! What if I had never been chosen for this challenge? What if I hadn't learned what I know? What if I hadn't come to believe in myself again?!?!? This line of thinking does two things for me. 1) It makes me all the more grateful for the 100 day challenge and 2) I feel a desire to continue on with healthy habits as a way of showing this gratitude.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Family!

I have loved seeing the photos that some of you have posted of your families!  Here is a picture of our precious clan!

Feeling Good!

Wow!  When you put all the pieces of this healthy lifestyle in place, you just feel good, don't you?!?!

Ann and I just finished our workout with Chad and for the first time, I felt great when we were done instead of feeling absolutely exhausted!  I think in part it is because I started listening to my body (and to Traci who told me that I have been pushing too hard) and instead of working like a crazy woman at each workout I have tried to work hard during my workouts and then put that same energy that I was putting into my workout into making healthy choices with my nutrition. I haven't been perfect, don't get me wrong, but I feel progress!  I am feeling good!

Isn't it great to have all of the support that we have during this challenge?  I have such a great partner!  Ann keeps me on track and focused not so much on the scale but on how much better we feel.  She also is so motivating!  Ann has done so well!  She is almost to her goal!  Way to go Ann!!!!  Also, I feel like each of the challenge participants are my new friends, not my competition!  You are each so motivating!  And your progress is so visible!  It makes me want to do better!  

When I realize that we are closer to the end than the beginning I am a bit sad.  But I can look back and see all that we have learned and the progress we've made and I am so glad that I am where I am today and not back where I was on February 11!  I know a great future is ahead for each of us and I hope we will stay connected even when our challenge is officially over!  

Here's to a great week!

Monday, April 4, 2011

From Theory to Practicum

Here I am on a Monday morning after a great weekend with all our family home and after watching another amazing General Conference and I ask myself, "How do I get from where I am to where I want to be?"  Of course I ask myself this in a spiritual sense, but I think the question applies to all areas of my life.  I feel like I understand the theory of making changes, I just struggle with the minute to minute, day to day decisions.

For example, here we are - 52 days into our challenge, more than half way through -  and although I can say that thoughts of making changes have occupied my mind everyday multiple times, I can't say that I think my appearance has changed much.  In fact, if I think about how long I have been doing this, I can get kind of discouraged about the lack of visible change.

So what does it really take to make these changes?  At the dinner table yesterday afternoon, my 21 year old son told me that if I had the desire to be thin, then I would be (easy for him to say!!!).  Does that mean that I don't really have the desire to be healthy?  Do I just think that I want to be healthy but deep down inside I just really want to taste yummy food?

I say that I want to be organized and family centered in my focus on life but then when I am asked to do other things that aren't a priority, I lack the ability to say no (my hairstylist reminded me this morning that I have got to learn to say NO!).  So what do I really value?

I think all of this introspection is part of the process, but only if I am able to come to terms with some of the hard questions and answers in life.  Only if I am able to move from the theory to the practicum of daily decisions!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ups and Downs...

Wow!  Where have I been for the past month?!?!  Actually I lost the access to my blog (I think I mentioned that I tend to lose things!) and so now I am trying to get  updated.  I have been looking for this access since a week ago Saturday (well, not really looking - but sort of:)) and I wish that I would have found it last Saturday.  I meant to come home after our first outdoor ride of the season and tell you all about it.  In fact, at one point on my ride I thought to myself "You can't give up now; you want to be able to write on the blog that you made it clear to the top!"  And we did!  My sweet hubby who encouraged me all the way (okay, maybe he even pushed me here and there!) and I rode to the top of the left hand fork of Hobble Creek canyon.  It is 11 miles straight up and 11 fabulously fast and fun miles straight down!  I was so happy because we went 7 miles farther than I made it on the first ride of the season last year.

That was the "UP" part of my post.  I was feeling on top of the world last Monday.  I had lost almost 10 pounds and I felt strong.  So what happened?!?!?  I am still wondering!

Last week started with guests for family home evening last Monday.  I fixed a healthy spread of veggies and fruits and I packaged up the bags of "gold" from the leprechaun for them to take home with them.  The problem was, there was extra "gold" wrapped chocolates left over and little by little I ate them.

Then I made cookies and frosted them for St. Patrick's Day.  Only I didn't end up giving all of those away either.  And yes, you can guess what happened to the extra.  

On St. Patrick's Day I made green lunch for my daughter and her friends including pesto chicken Alfredo fettuccini.  It doesn't get much more fattening than that!!!  And you guessed it, there were leftovers.  

So, this is the "DOWN" part of the post, except everything went down but the scale!!!  

The only thing I can think of to do is just to go on from here.  I do think I learned some things about myself through all of this.  I'm not sure that I will ever have everything all figured out and every day is a challenge.  But I'd rather try to overcome than have consecutive weeks of BEING overcome by my overeating!

So, onward and upward!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Look Inside My Head

Am I crazy? Am I a defeatist?  Could this possibly be normal?  This day has made me think that I make everything in life too difficult.  For example:

Woke up at 7am.  Felt tired (went to bed way after midnight waiting for teenagers to come home!).  Decided to do my workout first thing.  Think things through.  If I hurry I can go and get back before my BYU student has to leave for his lab.  Might have time to get ready before daughter has church basketball game.  Maybe I should print off the exercise forms Traci sent so I can do those at the gym.  Print lists off.  Look at a few other things on the computer.  Wonder if my son went to have TB shot looked at yesterday (so he can put in his mission papers).  Go down to wake him up and check.  Yes he did.  Think I still can get a workout in if I just stay home and do the Healthrider.  Maybe I should make breakfast for son before his lab.  Start making french toast.  He tells me he doesn't have time to eat it:(.  Still thinking I can get that workout in.  Daughter comes to see if I am going to her game.  Of course I am I tell her.  Throw on a hat and go.  Watch daughter play ball.  Visit with another mom.  Boy, she must have it all together I think.  She's working, looking cute, so accomplished, so smart.  She probably even got her workout in!  After game, go home.  Tell my kids I am grounded until I get my workout in.  Read the paper.  Tell myself I have to workout.  Watch my son finish the breakfast that I started to make first thing this morning.  Enjoy visiting with our children especially our son home from BYU-Idaho.  Tell myself I can't eat until I workout.  Talk about going to check out some of the President's Day sales.  Remind myself that I am grounded until I workout.  Can't resist the french toast on the counter anymore.  Eat it plain (and cold!).  Talk with hubby.  Tell myself I have got to go downstairs and workout!!!!  Son tells me I should get my workout in.  

Finally, go downstairs and get on the Healthrider.  Check the clock 1:11pm.  How am I going to do this for 30 minutes (because Traci said if it isn't 30 minutes it doesn't count!)?  Plug in my headphones and rowdy music.  I know I can do this!  

Well, 40 minutes later (we love those favorite songs!) I am feeling great (except for the fact that I have wasted practically the whole day:(!).  If I am crazy so be it!  If for some unknown reason I am trying to sabotage myself in this 100 day challenge - STOP IT!  Yes, I am off to a VERY slow start but I really, really, really want to do this!  Optimism, here we come!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What a Great Day!

Today was such a great day!  I felt like for the first time since starting this challenge I was in balance. I ate a good breakfast, had a chance to help a friend early in the day, did my workout, stopped to talk to one of my friends in the store, did all the errands my sweet hubby asked me to do and spent time with my family - basically I did all of my favorite things:)!

Today was the first day that I didn't eat sugar!  That doesn't really have much to do with my heart but for me, when I am eating healthy, I don't crave the sugar that I do every other day of my life when I eat badly.  I felt like today was the first day that I really ate healthy and today was my first day of fitness training.  I loved my workout!  I know that I will be sore tomorrow but it felt so good to workout.  I can almost say that I feel the old me out there in the shadows somewhere but at least within my reach if I try hard enough.  If you would have asked me last month if I would ever be healthy again I might have said no:(. 

 Another thought that stuck me today was how grateful I am for this body of mine.  It has carried me through thick and thin (mostly thick though!) and I feel like I have asked it to do more than it is capable of doing by carrying all of this weight for all of these years.  But when I got my test results back from the blood work that we did on the first day I was very encouraged that my body hasn't given up on me!  It is still working as hard as it can trying to keep me healthy.  To show my appreciation, I need to do all that I can in the upcoming weeks to learn how to lighten the load for my poor old body in the years to come:).

One last thought, it feels so good to be trying to be healthy.  I once remember the Weight Watchers group leader telling us that "Nothing ever tastes as good as being healthy feels."  Why can't I remember that when I am in the kitchen?